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Friday, May 08, 2009

Cinco. From YNWA To YAWN!

Assalamualaikum peeps,sorry for the lack of updates. And i would stop this blogging stuff for a while due to some reasons. 1.June Exam's coming and 2.My 'Bapa Tua'(Grandpa) was admitted in the hospital last night. So now,imma go to bed,came home at 4am tadi lapas dari hospital,IT WAS FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAKIN` LAMAAA,menunggu the doctor. Arrr,siapa sanggup menunggu arah emergency dari 10+pm till 4am subuh?? YEAAAH 6HOURS! Bah lastly,I hope my grandpa doin well and balik krumah mcm biasa,amin! ayte*signing off*.
Sorry again peeps,Assalamualaikum.

p.s.-PASTIKAN kamu cukup tidur,TAM (Shout out to ummi,wardah and the TAM Familia,thanks for last night,and sorry we left you awal uh,kalau nda kana tlipun dmlm,akhir kami balik tuu,sorrrrry uh. Eh almost foggot,thank you and sorry jua Georgio pasal dmlm uh.I LOVE YOU GUYS! MWAAH!)