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Thursday, December 22, 2011

OMG! Just got a text from Miss Rahmah!! And Its Says

'Dude,was checking all of your work and your work made me CRY! Seriously,im amazed,never thought a boy like you have a big emotion and huge heart. Sorry i misjudged you,i guess you're not the guy i think you are. Great work kid,Parent's Teachers Meeting will be on the 5th and please,PLEASE tell your mom to meet me,i want to show her your work! Seriously dude,this,your work,im going to read this to all the ND students and tell them how good you are in writing an essay. Just a slightest mistake,and the rest are PERFECT! TO ME YOU JUST MADE YOUR MOM AND YOUR DAD PROUD!'

Alhamdulillah hi'Rabbil Alamin :)))))))))) I just got an early birthday present,i guess. Alhamdulillah :)