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Monday, May 11, 2009

Siete. Mothers Day With Love!

Assalamualaikum peeps,just a short post btw,i just wanted to say HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL MOTHERS AROUND THE WORLD! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO MY MOM! I LOVE YOU,MA! THE BEST MOM IN THE WORLD! =)

This song is dedicated to all the mothers around the world. MOMMY'S NEVER WALK ALONE! YEAAAAAAH!

Click to enlarge the lyrics! But for liverpool fans out there,nda payah dtakan pun hafal! hehe! YNWA!


P.s-(Shout out to N.MumZ,thanks for the roti panas2 mum,seriously,thank you berabis pasal sanggup mengantar,say thanks to your parents jua uh. Oh not to fogget,thanks to Ummi and the TAM Families too for making us a delicious lunch,and as usual bGUBAL UH! HEHE! TAM!)