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Sunday, April 19, 2009


Asalamualaikum peeps. just got back from a LIMBANG, tiring mahnn! yeaaah eventhough im not the one who drives. =p nothing interesting,got there,eat,went to the mall,and here i am,balik ke negeri asal.
Im really tired right now. just wanna update my blog daripada sunyii,lagipun,still urang atu majal =p ayte,i'll hook you up with some photos i took during our journey next time or perhaps,tommorrow,ayte?
now,chupchup,imma go to bed. peace. =)

p.s./ make sure you visit my blog again tommorrow,you'll witness an insane,pathetic drunk old man. shit homes,he really frightened me up. so yeaah,stay tune.